- Contains 3 - 20 capsule Packs: 10-day course
Ventfort- A-3
- Chelohart- A-14
- Vladonix- A-6
Ventfort® - The blood vessels peptide bio-regulator
Ventfort is a dietary supplement with natural aorta peptides. With age, the blood vessels become more rigid and are affected by atherosclerosis. As a result, vessels often cannot provide sufficient blood circulation to all tissues. Nowadays, coronary artery disease (hardening of the arteries in the heart) is the leading cause of death in both men and women. Moreover, in every case, there is some lack of blood supply involved. In order to heal the disease, blood supply must be restored, which is why supporting blood vessels is important.
Keeping your vascular health in check is essential for preventing a range of conditions such as high and low blood pressure, weak arteries, and high cholesterol. Developed naturally from blood vessels, the peptide bioregulator, Ventfort, helps to improve vascular wall tissue, metabolism, and regulate the vascular system. Because it helps to improve blood flow, Ventfort is also synergistic with other peptide bioregulators.
Presentation and Pack: Produced in capsules 0.2g each. One pack contains 20 capsules
Ingredients (per 1 capsule): micro crystalline cellulose (E460); beet sugar; sugar; lactose; starch; peptide complex A-3 (peptides of vessels)
Daily dose contains: (2 capsules), 20mg of peptide complex A-3 (peptides of vessels)
Contraindications: an individual tolerance of components, pregnancy, lactation
Storage conditions: keep in dry dark place under temperature from +2°C to +25°C
Shelf Life: 5 years from the date of production
Recommendations for application: adult men and women, 1-2 capsules. 1-2 times a day during meals.
Receiving duration: one month
Chelohart® - The heart peptide bioregulator.
Chelohart is a dietary supplement with natural cardiac muscle peptides. The heart is one of the most important organs in the entire human body. The heart pumps blood, which carries oxygen and nutrients to cells. The blood also removes carbon dioxide and waste products to keep the body healthy. Because heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women, it is very important to ensure that the heart functions properly.
Presentation and Pack: Produced in capsules 0.2g each. One pack contains 20 capsules
Ingredients (per 1 capsule): micro crystalline cellulose (E460); beet sugar; sugar; lactose; starch; peptide complex A-14 (extract from the heart of calves under 10 months or pigs)
Daily dose contains: (2 capsules), 20mg of peptide complex A-14 (heart peptides)
Contraindications: an individual tolerance of components, pregnancy, lactation
Storage conditions: keep in dry dark place under temperature from +2°C to +25°C
Shelf Life: 3 years from the date of production
Recommendations for application: adult men and women, 1-2 capsules. 1-2 times a day during meals.
Receiving duration: one month
Vladonix® - The thymus peptide bioregulator.
Vladonix is a dietary supplement with natural thymus peptides. The thymus is responsible for the proper function of the immune system, which protects the body against diseases and potentially damaging foreign particles. High stress and unfavorable environmental factors have a profound effect on the immune system. If it is weak, it becomes much more difficult to deal with all diseases and as a result, quality of life considerably decreases.
Presentation and Pack: Produced in capsules 0.2g each. One pack contains 20 capsules
Ingredients (per 1 capsule): micro crystalline cellulose (E460); beet sugar; sugar; lactose; starch; peptide complex A-6 (thymus peptides)
Daily dose contains: (2 capsules), 20mg of peptide complex A-6 (thymus peptides)
Contraindications: an individual tolerance of components, pregnancy, lactation
Storage conditions: keep in dry dark place under temperature from +2°C to +25°C
Shelf Life: 5 years from the date of production
Recommendations for application: adult men and women, 1-2 capsules. 1-2 times a day during meals.
Receiving duration: one month
Peptide Bioregulators
Russian peptide technology was founded during the Cold War years- to help protect elements of the then Soviet forces.
Today Professor Vladimir Khavinson is the President of the European Academy of Gerontology and Geriatrics, but in the 1980’s he was a Colonel in the Soviet Union military medical corps. At the time, he and his team were approached by Kremlin officials, they wanted them to find a way to protect their troops from a myriad of problems; issues such as radiation for submariners in nuclear submarines to troops that may be blinded from known, (but thankfully unused) new weapons such as battlefield lasers.
What their secret research uncovered - that was used for two decades on many thousands of men and women - was a remarkable link between short chain peptides and DNA.
Now their published research is in the open and it identifies that each organ / gland / tissue uses a highly specific short chain peptide to act as a ‘short cut’ to initiate protein synthesis. These peptides can be found in food and unlike proteins they can enter the blood through the stomach. Through a comprehensive list of patents and even copyrighted PowerPoint slides, the Russian research group are showing that each of the concentrated peptide bioregulators so far examined interact with particular strands of DNA - effectively and very specifically activating repair and regenerative processes.
This is a remarkable story since what we are describing here are individualised gene switches and since they have been tested for many years on thousands of individuals, without report of any serious side effects or contraindications to date, they could be set to ‘out do’ stem cells. Why? Because this peptide therapy is relatively cheap, highly specific, can be taken orally and doesn’t require any suppression of the immune system to operate fully.
Professor Khavinson and his award winning team at the St Petersburg Institute of Biogerontology have discovered that each organ / gland has a biological reserve and despite the origin of the tissue they have studied, incredibly each one is always set at 42%
Natural Peptides Combinations
Digestive System: A-7 Svetinorm A-1 Suprefort A-10 Stamakort
Cardiovascular system: A-3 Ventfort A-14 Chelochart A-6 Vladonix
Central nervous system: A-5 Cerluten A-3 Ventfort A-7 Svetinorm
Immune system: A-8 Endoluten A-6 Vladonix® A-3 Ventfort
Locomotor apparatus: A-4 Sigumir A-3 Ventfort A-6 Vladonix A-21 Bonothyrk
Carbohydrate metabolism disorders: A-1 Suprefort A-3 Ventfort
Lipoprotein metabolism disorders: A-7 Svetinorm A-1 Suprefort A-3 Ventfort
Thyroid gland: A-2 Thyreogen A-3 Ventfort
Adverse factors (chemotherapy, long-term ionizing irradiation): A-6 Vladonix A-7 Svetinorm A-8 Endoluten A-20 Bonomarlot
Adverse factors (professional or psychoemotional stress): A-6 Vladonix A-8 Endoluten A-17 Glandokort
Visual organ: A-11 Visoluten A-5 Cerluten A-3 Ventfort
Urinary excretory system: A-6 Vladonix A-12 Chitomur A-9 Pielotax
Male reproductive system: A-13 Testoluten A-16 Libidon A-17 Glandokort
Female reproductive system: A-15 Zhenoluten A-2 Thyreogen A-3 Ventfort
Respiratory system: A-6 Vladonix A-19 Taxorest A-3 Ventfort
Intensive physical activity: A-6 Vladonix A-4 Sigumir A-3 Ventfort A-18 Gotratix A-5 Cerluten
What is a peptide bioregulator?
A peptide is a short chain of amino acids, identified by the fact that it is shorter than a protein, and so can be absorbed easily via the digestive system. Each organ or bodily function has its own unique peptide bioregulator. Peptide bioregulators have been shown to shortcut the protein synthesis process by interacting directly with cell DNA – meaning that organs can build and repair tissues easier and quicker when peptide bioregulators are active. In other words, peptides do not treat, they promote the natural repair of damaged organs.
Peptide supplements
For many years the peptide preparations were available only as medicines, in the form of injections. However some years ago Prof. Khavinson and the Russian St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology created dietary supplements that can also reduce peptide deficiency and restore peptide-protein cycle in cells. They can be divided into natural (Cytomaxes) and synthesized (Cytogens) russian peptide bioregulators.
Natural russian peptide bioregulators (Cytomaxes)
Natural russian peptide bioregulators is a group of peptides of less than 50 amino acids and with a molecular mass of less than 5 kDa, free from foreign DNA or protein substance, extracted from organs and tissues of young calves by a patented method of thorough filtering. 5 kDa is very little. The molecular mass of DNA fragments and proteinaceous infectious particles, the prions, are several times bigger than that. Therefore these natural russian peptide supplements are extremely clean products. They do not have any immunogenic or mutagenic properties.
Inside the gastrointestinal tract the natural russian peptide bioregulators break down into amino acids and di-, tri- and tetrapeptides that match the DNA in a complementary way and activate protein synthesis in the respective body system. Their performance is gentle and gradual. Their effect continues to grow even after finishing the supplementation course and lasts up to 4-6 months until the peptide-protein cycle is impaired again.
Synthesized peptide bioregulators (Cytogens)
The analysis of natural peptides was used to detect the most active peptide from a group, which was later replicated in a lab. Synthesized (Cytogens) peptide bioregulators supplement contains only one peptide molecule whereas natural one includes a group of molecules. Synthesized peptides have an immediate impact compared to natural peptides and have a faster, yet more short-lived effect (1.5-2 months). Such peptides are typically used to start the initial peptide deficiency treatment. However, it is advised to switch to natural (Cytomaxes) peptides as a follow-up course.
Both types of peptides are efficient, safe to use, have no side effects and are compatible among themselves and with other products. As for the choice between natural and synthesized russian peptides, it depends on a particular situation. However, in most cases synthesized peptides, if available, are administered prior to the use of natural peptides.
Clinical Study
Clinical Study Of Suprefort® Peptide Bio-regulator
The dietary supplement Suprefort is a complex of low-molecular peptides with molecular weight up to 5000 Da, isolated from pancreas of young animals - calves aged up to 12 months. Isolated peptides possess tissue-specific action to pancreas cell tissue, thus restoring metabolism and normalizing its functional activity.
Suprefort is manufactured in the form of capsules, containing 10 mg of active peptides. Suprefort was administered per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-2 capsules 2 times a day for 10-20 days depending on severity of the pathological process.
The clinical studies of Suprefort were carried out at the Medical Center of the Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology in patients with Chronic pancreatitis in the state of remission and in patients with Diabetes mellitus II during the period from November 2005 till January 2006.
Deregulation of physiological functions and pathological changes in pancreas result in diseases with signs of nutrition and metabolism disorders. Consequences of progressive inflammatory process in pancreas are, as a rule, dystrophic processes accompanied with disorders of excretion of digestive pancreatic enzymes, characteristic for chronic pancreatitis. In the presence of disorders of insulin secretion, the patient has symptoms of ‘secondary’ diabetes mellitus.
Diabetes mellitus is one of most widespread endocrine diseases: about 1-2% of Earth’s population has it. Besides there are same amount of people with occult diabetes and genetically predisposed to this disease. The diabetes signs in any single case are integrated reaction to mutual action of multiple factors with various combinations (genetic predisposition, chemical and infectious agents of environment, autoimmune processes, nutrition, physical activity, psychological stresses etc.). Detection of new syndromes (diabetes, caused by formation of antibodies to insulin receptors; diabetes caused by genetic defects of insulin structure etc.) is a reason of constant necessity of addition of disease classification. Potential, latent and asymptomatic forms of the diseases without clinical symptoms require special attention concerning prognosis, prophylaxis and treatment (1, 3, 6, 7, 8). Treatment of chronic pancreatitis is based mainly on diet and enzyme preparations (pancreatin, pansinorm) etc. (5) Treatment of diabetes mellitus without clinical signs requires diet therapy and phytotherapy (2, 4).
Clinical characteristic of the patients
Distribution of the patients by diagnoses, sex and age is shown in the table 1. Treatment using Suprefort was carried out in 34 patients (18 male and 16 female) with diagnoses ‘Chronic pancreatitis, latent form’ (12 persons) and ‘Diabetes mellitus II type, latent form’ (22 persons). The patients with chronic pancreatitis were complaining of the loss of appetite, eructation, meteorism, borborygmus, stool disorders. Two groups of patients were formed using random sampling technique, in these groups the patients have similar sex, age and diagnosis: the basic group included 12 patients (8 men, 4 women), control group - 8 patients (4 men, 4 women).
Table 1
Distribution of the patients by diagnosis, sex and age

The patients of the control group have been taking general purpose medicines. The patients of the main group have been taking Suprefort in addition to the general purpose medicines - 1-2 capsules, 2 times a day before meal for 15 days.
Diabetes mellitus II in the patients was not accompanied by any clinical signs and was diagnosed on the basis of an increase in glucose level in peripheral blood in view of unbalanced diet.
Control group included 17 patients, who have been taking general purpose medicines. 22 patients of the main group have also been taking Suprefort in addition to the general purpose medicines - 1 capsule, 2 times a day before meal for 15 days.
Examination methods
The patient complaints were assessed and compared, general clinical studies of blood and urine were carried out together with blood biochemical test using ‘REFLOTRON’ device, (Boehringer Mannheim, Germany). Duodenal content was examined. Glucose tolerance test was carries out.
Examination results
It was established that administration of Suprefort in patients with chronic pancreatitis resulted in increase in appetite and decrease in the rate of dyspepsia.
Table 2
Suprefort influence of activity of digestive enzymes in patients with chronic pancreatitis

Laboratory assessment of duodenal content has shown initial decrease in activity of pancreatic enzymes (table 2). After Suprefort administration there is tendency toward increase in activity of pancreatic enzymes, which correlated with improved clinical symptoms.
Suprefort in patients with diabetes mellitus II was administered in parallel with glucose tolerance test. It was established that after glucose challenge the patients had characteristic glycemic curve. The patients of the main group have also been taking Suprefort in addition to the general purpose medicines - 1 capsule, 2 times a day before meal for 10 days. It was shown, that after Suprefort administration the test carried out in 2 hours after beginning of the study showed gradual decrease in the glucose level. In 5-10 days after beginning of the treatment course the patients had normal glucose levels. None of the patients had increased dosage of blood glucose lowering drugs, 12 patients (54,5%) were using decreased levels of general purpose medicines and in 7 patients (31,8%) the blood glucose level was below normal values without blood glucose lowering drugs. In 3 patients (13,6%) the parameters remained at the initial level. It is worth noting the stabilization of the blood glucose parameter in the patients of the main group within next 2-3 month after the end of treatment (table 3).
Table 3
Suprefort influence on blood glucose values after glucose loading in patients with diabetes mellitus II

In patients of the control group, who have been taking general purpose blood glucose lowering drugs, it was not possible to lower the dosage of the medicines, and in 9 patients (52,9%) the dosage of blood glucose lowering drugs was increased with a purpose of normalization of content of blood glucose.
Thus the results of the clinical study obtained confirm an efficiency of Suprefort and expediency of its use in complex treatment of the patients with chronic pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus II.
Suprefort does not result in side effects, complications and drug dependence. Suprefort is convenient for administration in hospital, out-patient conditions and at home. Suprefort can be used as medical and preventive mean in the form of biological active food additive and in the form of adjunct in combination with any means of symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy, used for treatment of patients with chronic pancreatitis and other diabetes mellitus II.
The dietary supplement Suprefort normalizes functional activity of pancreas cells.
Suprefort is well tolerated by patients at oral administration; it does not result in any side effects and can be widely used as a treatment and prophylactic biologically active food additive for complex treatment of pancreatic function disorders.
Recommended Suprefort dosage
In patients with chronic pancreatitis - per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-2 capsules, 2 times a day for 15 days.
In patients with diabetes mellitus - per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1 capsule, 2 times a day for 15 days in parallel with blood glucose monitoring.
It is expedient to carry out another treatment course in 3-6 month if needed.
1.Balabolkin M.I. Diabetes mellitus / Endocrine disorders // Diagnostics and treatment of internal diseases: Manual for doctors. - Edited by F.I.Komarova. - M.: Medicine, 1991. - V. 2. - pages 465-492.
2. Belousov Y.B., Moiseev V.S., Lepakhin V.K. Clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy: Manual for doctors. - M.: Universum, 1993. - 398 pages
3. Internal diseases / Edited by A.S. Smetnev, V.G. Kukes. - M.: Medicine, 1982. - 496 pages
4. Yordanov D., Nikolov P., Boychinov Asp. Phytotherapy. - Sofia: Medicine and physical culture, 1972. - 346 pages
5. Mashkovsky M.D. Medicines: Pharmacotherapy for doctors, manual: 2 parts. - Vilnius: ZAO “Gamta”, 1993.
6. Geriatry manual / Edited by D.F. Chebotarev, N.B. Mankovsky. - M.: Medicine, 1982. - 544 pages
7. Teppermen G., Teppermen H. Physiology of metabolism and endocrine system: Translated from English. - M.: Mir, 1989. - 656 pages
8. Ugolev A.M., Radbil O.S. Digestive system hormones. - M.: Nauka, 1995. - 283 pagesDiabetes mellitusDiabetes mellitusDiabetes mellitusDiabetes mellitusDiabetes_mellitusDiabetes_mellitus
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Disclaimer: Please note that only your own physician can determine your precise needs, but in order to give you some information these answers are based upon the ‘average person’ and clinical/ published results.
What is a peptide bioregulator?
A peptide is a short chain of amino acids, identified by the fact that it is shorter than a protein, and so can be absorbed easily via the digestive system. Each organ or bodily function has its own unique peptide bioregulator.
Peptide bioregulators have been shown to shortcut the protein synthesis process by interacting directly with cell DNA – meaning that organs can build and repair tissues easier and quicker when peptide bioregulators are active.
What combination of peptides would be best to consider for the elderly in general?
Glandokort® - adrenal peptide, Vladonix® -thymus peptide and Ventfort® - blood vessels peptide.
Would there be a difference between dosing for men and women?
Not particularly, the dosing is more related to need than sex or body weight
Is it best to include the blood vessel peptide in all combinations used?
Yes it is recommended, the blood vessel peptide is known as Ventfort®
What is the typical dosing regimen for the peptides in general?
Two capsules a day for 10-days - a total of 20 capsules equivalent to one pack - for general support this can be repeated again in 6-months’ time, if the need is greater then it can be repeated again in 2 to 3 months’ time, if the need is felt to be great then typically the regimen is repeated every month.
How many peptide complexes can I take at the same time?
You can combine up to 5 peptide complexes at the same time.
What are the side effects?
15 million people have undergone the peptide treatment for 30 years and no side effects have been found. The fact is that peptides in animals and humans are identical and our body sees them as its own. Peptides only normalize the protein synthesis and they are not able to overstimulate it.
Are there any contraindications?
Individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Can I take peptides with other supplements too?
Yes, you can.
How can I be sure that peptides have an actual effect on me?
Sometimes it can be hard to notice changes subjectively, so an objective method can be helpful. Ask your doctor what tests could be done to assess your current health condition. Do them before and after taking appropriate peptides
Why aren't there any similar peptide complexes from other companies?
First of all, the process of extracting peptides is patented. Secondly, Russian scientists started working on this class of medical substances 40 years ago at the request of the military, therefore they had access to all necessary funds. There were a 30-year study on rats, a study on apes and clinical trials. Nowadays just a few researches can be funded so well to be conducted on the same large scale.
Can Endoluten be consumed alongside any other supplements?
As they are each tailored to a specific gene, there is no problem with consuming multiple supplements at one time.
Can Endoluten be used to regulate sleep?
As it promotes melatonin secretion, Endoluten could be used to encourage a regular sleep pattern
Are there any known side effects for using this supplement?
Ventfort has been tested for many years on thousands of individuals, without reports of any serious side effects.
What combination of peptides should i take?
According to Prof. Vladimir Khavinson, the president of European Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, the first class combination consists of Endoluten (Neuro-endocrine system), Vladonix (Immune system), Cerluten (Brain), Sigumir (Joints and Bones), Svetinorm (Liver) and Ventfort (Blood vessels) for one or two months twice a year. Endoluten and Vladonix are the two most important geroprotector that are able to extend life by 30-40%.
Here are some general recommendations:
Natural Peptides Combinations
Digestive system: A-7 Svetinorm A-1 Suprefort A-10 Stamakort
Cardiovascular system: A-3 Ventfort A-14 Chelochart A-6 Vladonix
Central nervous system: A-5 Cerluten A-3 Ventfort A-7 Svetinorm
Immune system: A-8 Endoluten A-6 Vladonix® A-3 Ventfort
Locomotor apparatus: A-4 Sigumir A-3 Ventfort A-6 Vladonix A-21 Bonothyrk
Carbohydrate metabolism disorders: A-1 Suprefort A-3 Ventfort
Lipoprotein metabolism disorders: A-7 Svetinorm A-1 Suprefort A-3 Ventfort
Thyroid gland: A-2 Thyreogen A-3 Ventfort
Adverse factors (chemotherapy, long-term ionizing irradiation): A-6 Vladonix A-7 Svetinorm A-8 Endoluten A-20 Bonomarlot
Adverse factors (professional or psychoemotional stress): A-6 Vladonix A-8 Endoluten A-17 Glandokort
Visual organ: A-11 Visoluten A-5 Cerluten A-3 Ventfort
Urinary excretory system: A-6 Vladonix A-12 Chitomur A-9 Pielotax
Male reproductive system: A-13 Testoluten A-16 Libidon A-17 Glandokort
Female reproductive system: A-15 Zhenoluten A-2 Thyreogen A-3 Ventfort
Respiratory system: A-6 Vladonix A-19 Taxorest A-3 Ventfort
Intensive physical activity: A-6 Vladonix A-4 Sigumir A-3 Ventfort A-18 Gotratix A-5 Cerluten
More About Peptides
Natural Peptide Bioregulators
Aging and protein synthesis
Aging is a major risk factor for disease and death but what is the cause of aging? Despite many theories it is still unknown. What we know is that as we age our body produces fewer proteins that have a large number of important functions in our body. For example:
- Proteins are vital to cell division, which is necessary for growth, reproduction and healing.
- Many proteins keep everything working right by regulating chemical reactions. Examples include enzymes, hormones, blood clotting substances, even receptors in the eyes.
- Protein is essential for the immune system to defend against foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses.
- Proteins help to transport other nutrients around the body by binding to them and then releasing them when and where they are needed.
- Protein helps to regulate and maintain a proper fluid balance. This helps to maintain proper blood pressure and even lubricate eyes.
- Certain proteins serve a major structural role in tissues such as muscle and skin and even provide the matrix for bones and teeth.
Basically, our bodies make thousands of specific proteins that serve important roles in everyday functioning — in fact, the human body is about 45% protein on a dry matter basis.

As aging is associated with a decline in the synthesis of protein, it is logical to assume that if the synthesis is restored aging can be slowed down. As it turns out this assumption is correct. Scientists V. Khavinson and V. Morozov have found a way to repair protein production and have achieved incredible results. Using the following methods can increase lifespan by 20-40%

Triggering molecules
The information about different proteins is stored in the DNA. In order to launch protein synthesis a DNA fragment, a gene, has to be activated by triggering molecules, peptides. Peptides are relatively short chains of amino acids and they are an essential part of the cell self-regulating mechanism:
Cells constantly degrade aged proteins by breaking them down into amino acids and peptides. Some of these peptides match specific parts in the cell DNA following the lock-key principle. As a result, the peptide resumes the synthesis of the protein from which it was originally built. When the protein ages, it is fragmented into the same peptides once again. All of this forms a circular process that is vital to cell life.

However, due to extended exposure to environmental hazards and stress this cell self-regulating mechanism is compromised and we become peptide deficient. Peptide deficiency leads to cell malfunction and eventually to diseases and premature aging. Luckily, we can restore the peptide-protein cycle with peptide supplements.
The first peptide product was created for the military in the Russian Military Medical Academy 40 years ago in 1974 by V. Khavinson and V. Morozov since 1977 and it has been authorized for clinical use under the name Thymalin. It cointains thymus peptides, extracted from young calves, that restore the impaired immune system and minimize the risk of cancer by several times. Shortly, Epithalamin, a product formulated with the pineal gland peptides was developed. It prevents premature aging, improves the function of the endocrine, immune, cardiovascular and reproductive systems, lengthens telomeres, restores carbohydrate metabolism, and strengthens bones and joints. It was proven that if administrated together the pineal gland and the thymus peptides can prolong human life substantially. Their high efficiency has been shown in more than 50 experiments on animals and multiple clinical trials in the last 40 years.

Eventually, peptides have been extracted from almost every body system and demonstrated stunning tissue-specific properties, i.e., they have beneficial effects on the organs which they were extracted from.
In the last 40 years these medicines have been taken by more than 15 millions of people and no side effects have been found. The fact is that peptides are apparently evolutionary the oldest cell self-regulating mechanism and as their structure is quite simple they have not undergone any constructional changes over time. That means that peptides in animals and humans are identical. Besides it was also proven that peptide intake can only normalize the protein synthesis and cannot overstimulate it as a cell cannot take more peptides than it needs.
Peptide supplements
For many years the peptide preparations were available only as medicines, in the form of injections. However some years ago Prof. Khavinson and the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology created dietary supplements that can also reduce peptide deficiency and restore peptide-protein cycle in cells. They can be divided into natural and synthesized peptides.
Natural peptides (Cytomaxes)
Natural peptides is a group of peptides of less than 50 amino acids and with a molecular mass of less than 5 kDa, free from foreign DNA or protein substance, extracted from organs and tissues of young calves by a patented method of thorough filtering. 5 kDa is very little. The molecular mass of DNA fragments and proteinaceous infectious particles, the prions, are several times bigger than that. Therefore these peptide supplements are extremely clean products. They do not have any immunogenic or mutagenic properties.
Inside the gastrointestinal tract the natural peptides break down into amino acids and di-, tri- and tetrapeptides that match the DNA in a complementary way and activate protein synthesis in the respective body system. Their performance is gentle and gradual. Their effect continues to grow even after finishing the supplementation course and lasts up to 4-6 months until the peptide-protein cycle is impaired again.
When and how to take peptides?
It is advised to start taking peptide supplements upon reaching 35 years of age as a preventive measure against premature aging. At this stage two to three 10-day courses of the basic products per year are sufficient to maintain the body's well-being. These basic products are Vladonix, Cerluten, Ventfort, Sigumir, Svetinorm and if a person works night shifts or often takes intercontinental flights, Endoluten. They regulate the function of the systems that age faster. If required, other peptides could be added as another ten-day course, based on individual needs.
Starting from 40-45 years, two courses a year become necessary, with 2 capsules daily for 30 days per course. The health in the decades to follow will majorly be influenced by the degree of recovery achieved during this period. It is crucial to start timely biannual intake of extensive anti-age courses that include Endoluten, Vladonix, Cerluten, Ventfort, Sigumir, Svetinorm, Chelohart and for men Libidon, Testoluten, for women Zhenoluten and Thyreogen. Additional products are chosen based on individual needs and predispositions. Generally, the older we get, the more organs that require additional support.
Starting from 50-55 years, it is generally recommended to increase the number of courses a year from two to three. If you need to take more than 5 peptide products it is usually advised to split the course in several months so that each month you take 5 products or fewer. Please note for better absorption peptides are taken 30 minutes before meals.
There is still no way to stop aging but thanks to the scientists' intensive work during the last 40 years, we finally have dietary supplements that substantially slow down aging by reducing peptide deficiency and restoring cell peptide-protein cycles in the body. There are 19 natural peptide products and 12 synthesized ones that cover almost every body system and organ. Thus, if you want to live longer being mentally and physically healthy you have now a real solution.
Please note: You should always consult a primary care physician/health practitioner of choice when considering the use of any products for health purposes, especially when undergoing treatment for an existing condition.
Warning: Keep out of direct light. Do not contaminate or touch fluid in bottle. If you are pregnant, nursing, or taking any medication, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use and consult doctor if any adverse reactions occur. Not intended for use by person under the age of 18. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a dry place and avoid excessive heat.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or healthcare professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication.
The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not an attempt by the writers or publisher to diagnose or prescribe, nor should it be construed to be such. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians. Readers are hereby encouraged to consult with a licensed health care professional concerning the information presented, which has been received from sources deemed reliable, but no guarantees, expressed or implied, can be made regarding the accuracy of same. Therefore, readers are also encouraged to verify for themselves and to their own satisfaction the accuracy of all reports, recommendations, conclusions, comments, opinions, or anything else published herein before making any kind of decisions based upon what they have read. If you have a medical condition, please consult your medical practitioner. Vita Stream, INC will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising from the use or misuse of any products, materials or information published.