The new peptide complex are the same Khavinson's formula peptides that you were used to, but now it is possible to have multiple different peptide complexes in one capsule. With the new peptides, one box of 20 or 60 capsules can contain up to 5 different peptide variations with the same dosage at no compromise! As of now, there are combinations of 3 and 5 peptides in one box. You can also pair these with the original Khavinson peptides to increase the dosage of a specific peptide.
"Osteo 3 Plus" is a dietary supplement manufactured in the form of capsules, containing 30 mg of active peptides.
Peptides of Osteo 3 Plus:
- Available in 20 & 60 capsules boxes.
- Non-GMO Verified.
- Promotes healthy condition of joints and cartilages.
- Supports a healthy function of the musculoskeletal system by optimizing the ratio of calcium ions and phosphorus in bone tissue.
"Osteo 3 Plus" is a peptide complex of natural polypeptides, which is designed to supports a healthy function of the musculoskeletal system, enhances calcium metabolism in the body. Supports a healthy physiological level of calcium in the tubular bones.
Peptides of the complex "Osteo 3 Plus" promotes healthy condition in the state of the musculoskeletal system. Supports a healthy sufficient bone mineral density, process of cartilage and bone tissue.
With age, the human body loses calcium, especially in women with the onset of 45-50 years. To supports a healthy function of the musculoskeletal system by optimizing the ratio of calcium ions and phosphorus in bone tissue "Osteo 3 Plus" was developed.
Each capsule is made up of:
- A-4 Sigumir Cartilage peptides
- A-21 Bonothyrk Parathyroid gland peptides
- A-6 Vladonix Thymus peptides
The ability to stand on its own two feet.
A-4 Sigumir is a dietary supplement with natural cartilage and bone peptides.
Over time, our cartilage can become weaker and less effective, leaving us prone to discomfort and pain through posture deformities and conditions such as rheumatism and arthritis. The joints and spine are often people’s weakest area. Nowadays, even teenagers may experience back pain. However, people over 35 are affected the most—especially women who wear high-heeled shoes and men who do heavy lifting or work at a job with high physical activity. Problems with joints or the spine always occur when people exercise too much or too little. Another group at risk are elderly people, especially women after menopause, because their bone density dramatically decreases. If you’re elderly and you break a bone, your chance of dying shortly afterwards increases. Cartilage and bone tissues are very resistant and do not respond well to corrective measures. This is why it is crucial to support them ahead of time.
A-21 Bonothyrk is a dietary supplement with natural parathyroid peptides.
Parathyroid glands' most important function is to maintain healthy levels of calcium and phosphate, which are essential for the proper function of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems.
A-6 Vladonix is a dietary supplement with natural thymus peptides.
The thymus is responsible for the proper function of the immune system, which protects the body against diseases and potentially damaging foreign particles. High stress and unfavorable environmental factors have a profound effect on the immune system. If it is weak, it becomes much more difficult to deal with all diseases and as a result, quality of life considerably decreases.